Thank you for your interest in TrendingNova.
This Web site was started as a way to aggregate the many extraordinary stories that make their way around the web and social media all in one place. The best way to answer the most frequently asked questions is in simple Q and A form.
Q. Who started TrendingNova?
A. I am one guy in the South East Asia (Philippines). As an advertising major and an Internet junkie, the creation of TrendingNova was almost inevitable.
Q. Is it really just you?
A. I utilize some freelance help as well as take story submissions.
Q. Can I submit a story to TrendingNova? Can you help me make it go trending?
A. If it’s a compelling story that I feel will gain traction in the social media world, absolutely yes.
Please submit anything you feel is a good fit for the site:
Q. Who can I contact about advertising on TrendingNova?
A. Currently, I am not accepting new advertising inquiries. That could change in the future.
Q. How do you classify TrendingNova? A news site? A personal blog? What is it?
A. It’s simply a story aggregation site – definitely not a news site or source of detailed information.
Q. Can I work for you?
A. Maybe! Send your details and let me know what you want to do for TrendingNova: Always open to talking to smart individuals who can contribute.
Q. Why do you sensationalize your headlines?
A. I feel that striking a user’s curiosity is the first step. Then, ideally, the story is well worth their time and they share it to create that same experience for their friends.
Q. What are your future plans for the site?
A. I am hoping to continue what we’ve been doing so far, but there are plans to expand efforts to further so many causes around the Web. Not political or other “biased” causes (VN is completely independent), but there are beautiful, remarkable stories every day about people around the world who NEED help. TrendingNova has been able to get more eyes on those stories than almost any other publication and has raised enormous amounts of money through promotion of the charity, fundraiser, or other organization behind it. This is an area I would like to expand on. If we don’t leave this world a little better off before we exit, we haven’t led a purposeful life.
TrendingNova has the opportunity to do that on a large scale, with the help of its millions of readers every day.
Thanks for reading. And thank you for visiting TrendingNova.